Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Picture Time

Eden drew this. She said, "it's Eden" but at that point it didn't have the red lines on it and so she said, "I need lips" then she got out her red pen and drew the "lips." I must say that I'm very impressed and I'm interested to see if she recreates it any time soon.
(most of her drawings don't resemble anything)
Eden and Phil outside the Atlanta Temple

Eden, showing us what "reverent" looks like

Her first ever full (front and back) pigtails

Trying to make Mr. Potato Head's glasses fit

2 response(s):

richvm said...

Our Mr. Potato head glasses are stretched out for the same reason. I think every little kid has to do that sometime! Eden is so cute! Phil did a great job last night and he looks good! BTW- I love your tutorial tuesday, you are so creative and amazing! (This is Jenny, not Richard!)

Krista said...

Heidi...I am glad you found my blog and its so fun to see yours! Eden is too cute. I need to get all of the Oregon Becks blog addresses...I have Jon's and Now Pauls...any one else have one?